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Employer Account
Sign up for an employer account and have the ability to send your bartenders, waiters, waitresses, and servers through the o... [More]
Responsible ServingĀ® of Alcohol
Take this online course to receive your alcohol server certification card.Responsible alcohol server training ensures that ... [More]

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The online resume tool allows you to compose a professional bartending resume online including your name, contact information... [More]
Sign up for the NYSLSA Employer Account if you are a bar, package store, or restaurant who needs to purchase training for mul... [More]
Illinois Certification Requirements for Bartenders and Alcohol Servers
Requirements to sell/serve alcohol in Illinois. Requirements to bartend in Illinois... [More]

South Dakota Bartender License
Get certified to sell or serve alcohol in South Dakota, online. Get your South Dakota bartender license.... [More]

Seller / Server and Bartender Regulations
Regulations for bartending, selling, and serving alcohol in your state... [More]

Renew BASSET Illinois Liquor License
Renew today your Illinois Liquor License by taking our online certification course. Renew your Basset Illinois liquor license.... [More]

Information for Alabama Responsible Vendor Certification Program
For store and bar or restaurant managers/owners, to get your license(s) certified in the Responsible Vendor Program, you will... [More]
Approved Training and Certification Courses for the Hospitality Industry
For store and bar or restaurant managers/owners, to get your license(s) certified in the Responsible Vendor Program, you will... [More]
Washington MAST License
A Washington MAST bartender license is referred to as a MAST Permit. The terms MAST Permit, MAST license and even bartender license are used interchangeably by bartenders in Washington. Get your permit for $5.95 now.... [More]

Washington MAST Permit Affiliated Links
Visit our affiliated sites to get your bartender certification in other states... [More]

Minnesota Bartending License Course for Sellers & Servers
Alcohol sellers and servers can get a Responsible Serving Certificate from Professional Server Certification Corp through this MN specific online course for alcohol certification in Minnesota.... [More]